
Patient Profile Control can be configured to show all the patient related information such as name, gender, date of birth, identifier, address, relationships, patient or person attributes etc.



Sample Config

"patientInformation": {
 "title" : "Patient Information",
 "type" : "patientInformation",
 "patientAttributes" : ["caste", "class", "education", "occupation"],
 "addressFields": ["cityVillage", "stateProvince"],
 "showDOB" : false,
 "ageLimit" : 100

Key Field Table

patientAttributesList of patient attributes to be displayedN
addressFieldsList of address fields to be displayedN
showDOBIndicates whether date of birth should be displayed in the control. Default value is true if nothing mentionedN
ageLimitDisplays age in the format of (years, days) when it is less than the number configured else displays it in format (years).N