1. Scope

Develop performance test automation to validate total number of clinics that can be supported on a given infrastructure configuration.

2. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide an outline for the performance test where baselining & capacity of the system will be covered.

3. Entry criteria

4. Exit criteria

The testing activity will be completed when:

5. Load Tool Selection & approach

Gatling will be used as the load generation tool as the team has earlier experience of working with it. Gatling is good at creating and emulating a large number of users compared to Jmeter without adding more hardware. Comparatively Gatling is less resource intensive, hence it makes a good choice compared to Jmeter.

The key challenge with Gatling is the version upgrade e.g. minor version upgrade results into breaking changes.

6. Baseline and Capacity test approach

⭕️ Simulations

Below test simulations would be executed to depict various user flows. It won’t have any pre-existing data except for the users preconfigured.

Expected data presence for a clinic

⭕️ Baselining

We need to baseline expected response profile for various API’s during user flows (get, query, update, list etc) for varying traffic load conditions (standard, high and peak)

⭕️ Capacity

The peak traffic load simulation would give us maximum load (clinical active users) the system on a given hardware configuration can take (acceptable UX performance) before its starts to either fail OR degrade UX.

⭕️ Key observations

7. Test execution activities

The following tasks need to be performed to complete the performance test.

8. Risk Factors

Following might affect the execution of the test plan/timelines.