The Basics

More Details

What we still need to do

  1. Define and document a process for if/when translations are reviewed and pulled into the codebase.
  2. Configure our build pipeline to automatically pull in (reviewed) translations.

How to add a new app

If you add a new app, with a new set of locale_<lang>.json files, you need to add this as a new resource in Transifex, and add it to the .tx/config file in our codebase.

First, to add the resource on Transifex (you need maintainer privileges for this):

  1. Go to, Add Resource, and upload the initial locale_en.json as a Key-Value JSON file.
  2. From within the newly created resource, go to Settings and add a category (e.g. "core" if it's part of the core Bahmni application)
  3. Back at click Auto Update Resources and put the "raw" github link to the locale_en.json file.

Second, to update the our .tx/config file, you can use the transifex client app to do this (from the root of openmrs-module-bahmniapps):

tx set --auto-local -r bahmni.clinical-app 'ui/app/i18n/clinical/locale_<lang>.json' --source-lang en --type KEYVALUEJSON --execute

You don't need to use the transifex client app: it is straightforward to copy-paste-edit from an existing resource description in .tx/config.

Then push these changes up to github.