
This configuration allows users to show or hide sections in registration create new patient page based on conditions. For this a specific file named "attributesConditions.js" must be defined. 

This file "attributesConditions.js" should be located in "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/registration/" directory. 

For example: If  age is less than 18, only then show the "Guardian Details" section.

            "patientInformation": {
                "patientContact": {
                    "title": "Patient Contact",
                    "translationKey": "Patient Contact",
                    "attributes": [
                "guardian": {
                    "title": "Guardian Details",
                    "translationKey": "Guardian Details",
                    "attributes": [

Here, 'patientContact' and 'guardian' are the sections. Below is the javascript that is needed to show the guardian section if patient's age is less than 18.

var showOrHideGuardianSection = function (patient) {
    var returnValues = {
        show: [],
        hide: []
    if (patient["age"].years < 18) {"guardian")
    } else {
    return returnValues

Bahmni.Registration.AttributesConditions.rules = {
    'age': function (patient) {
        return showOrHideGuardianSection(patient);

    'birthdate': function (patient) {
        return showOrHideGuardianSection(patient);
	'isGuardianRequired': function(patient) {
    	var returnValues = {
        	show: [],
        	hide: []
    	if (patient["isGuardianRequired"]) {"guardian");
	    } else {
    	return returnValues;