(From http://om.rs/bahmni-governance#heading=h.4ibxpau07m84)

This is an intersection of product thinkers and technical thinkers, that focuses on how we want to evolve the Bahmni software product. They have regular calls (weekly) to:

Anyone is welcome to participate in these calls, and we’re especially looking for senior technical folks, anyone who can provide input into a wide range of new features, and generally anyone who can think with a “product hat”.

Calls are at 2pm UTC every  Wednesday. 

Weekly PAT call : https://tinyurl.com/y6kvsot7

Announcements of upcoming call agendas and call details are on https://talk.openmrs.org/c/software/bahmni.
These posts are tagged with "bahmni-pat" and you can see a history of them.

Archive of call notes: Google Drive