Patient's Appointments Search
Patient's Appointments Search
- Sruti Sridhar
Owned by Sruti Sridhar
About the feature:
Users would like to search for patients and view the list of appointments against a patient. Patient Search is available in list view of appointments. User can search for a patient by name or by ID. The search result is a list of all appointments against the patient. Currently filters are not available on this page. Actions can be performed on the appointments in the same way as the List view.
Used by
Providers can use this to view past and future appointments of a particular patient.
How is it used
- In List View of appointments at the top right, there is a patient search field.
- On Searching the user, a list of all the appointments against that user will be shown.
- The filters and navigations across days and to calendar view are disabled and there is a “Reset Search” link available to go back to the list view the user came from.
- A user can perform all the configured actions on the appointment from patient search page.
- A user can also print the results of this page by clicking on the print button. This print has the same configuration as the list view print with additional date column added.
- The column headers are also sortable both in both ascending order and descending order. A user can click on the column name and an arrow appears beside the name, representing the type of sort. An upward arrow represents ascending order and a downward arrow represents a descending arrow.
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