Crater manual installation

Crater manual installation


This page will guide you through the installation of Crater for Bahmni payments on your PC

You can install Crater via Bahmni docker-compose easily. This is the recommended approach. Please see this documentation. The below mentioned installation step is only in case someone wants to perform a direct install of crater on their machine.


  • MySql( if not installed steps are given in database creation).

  • Apache2

Download Crater Zip.

1.Download the crater zip from the link given below
Crater - AI-powered Embedded AR/AP Automation.

2.Or run the command

wget https://craterapp.com/downloads/file/5.0.6 -O crater.zip

this will create a zip named crater.zip in your system

Unzip the folder.
Use commands mentioned below:-

apt install unzip -y unzip crater.zip


At the end of this module you will be able to access crater and its database on your own PC .

Upload to Server

1.Install the apache web server

apt install apache2 -y

2.move crater folder to server or var folder present in computer

Change permissions

In your crater root folder, run the command:

and run these command to change read write permissions, for this you may need to be a root user so use sudo.

Add your site in Sites-available

Create virtual hosts file in side /etc/apache2/sites-available
for this you need to make a new file (u need to be a root) follow the steps given below

Copy the content of default-ssl.conf by-

Edit its content according to your needs :-

Paste the content given below :-


Activate the rewrite module, virtual host, and restart the apache web servera2enmod rewrite


Now you need to Install SSL certbot ,follow the commands :-

SSL request for subdomain crater.abc.my.id.


Sync Database-

Install Mysql in your system ;-

Change password for root user :-

Enter into mysql root and create database named crater follow the steps mentioned below :-


Installation Wizard :-



Check requirements and permissions

Add database configrations like database name password when prompted

Verify the domain name .

Add the mail id and mail name

Add your information and you are all set to use crater.


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