Using Concept Groups to display Abnormal Indicator
THIS IS AN ARCHIVED PAGE. PLEASE DON"T EDIT IT. A related page to this page is this: Using Concept Groups to Display Unknown and Abnormal Indicators
In order to configure abnormal indication for any concept, there is a specific way of grouping the concepts.
- Create a root concept set of class "Concept Details". Example: Pulse Data
- Root concept should have 2 set members
- Original concept that you want to see on the page. Example: Pulse (Can be any concept or concept set)
- Abnormal concept of type "Boolean" and class "Abnormal". Example: Pulse Abnormal
This is how it appears on the page :
Hiding Abnormal Button on Forms:
1) Showing the abnormal button on observations is configurable. To hide the abnormal button in the entire template use the following configuration format.
FullySpecifiedNameOfTemplate : {
"hideAbnormalButton" : true
"Lab Results Hemotology Template" :{ "hideAbnormalButton" : true }
2) To hide the abnormal button for a particular group of concepts under particular concept set, following is the format.
FullySpecifiedNameOfConceptGroup : {
"hideAbnormalButton" : true
"Lab, Haematology" : { "hideAbnormalButton" : true }
3)To hide the abnormal button at the leaf level concept, following is the format.
FullySpecifiedNameOfLeafConcept : {
"hideAbnormalButton" : true
"Absolute Neutrophil Count" : { "hideAbnormalButton" : true }
4)Leaf level concept configuration will override the template level or it's parent concept configuration. For example if you want to hide all the abnormal buttons in Lab Results Haematology template except
Absolute Neutrophil Count leaf concept following is the required configuration.
"Lab Results Hemotology Template" :{ "hideAbnormalButton" : true } "Absolute Neutrophil Count" : { "hideAbnormalButton" : false }
If you don't mention any configuration abnormal button will display by default.
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