Bahmni Online Demo

Bahmni Online Demo

We have hosted some online demos for people to evaluate and play with Bahmni. Each hospital has its own forms, templates, rules, and workflows. Bahmni allows you to configure the user interface as per your needs. These demos showcase some of our implementation configurations to give you a taste of the possibilities that exist. We continue to add features which help hospitals implement closer-to-life screens, with quick navigation and easy information entry.

Interconnected Systems - EMR, Lab, ERP

The EMR, Lab and ERP Demos listed below are all "connected" to each other. This means, that when you register a patient in EMR, and order a lab test, the data will flow into Lab system, and OpenERP. In Lab system, the patient will get created, and tests will get ordered, while in the OpenERP system, a customer will get created with the same ID and name as the patient. This way, Bahmni enables single data entry across systems.


You can also watch short Youtube Demo Videos of Bahmni here: Demo Playlist

Lite Environments

If you want to access the demo environments of Bahmni Lite, please look at Bahmni Lite Environments

NameBahmni VersionLinkDescriptionNotes
1. Bahmni Standard v1.0.0STANDARD V1.0

Demo Link: https://demo.standard.mybahmni.in/

Odoo-16 Link: https://erp-demo.standard.mybahmni.in/


  • EMR: superman/Admin123
  • ELIS (Lab): admin/adminADMIN!
  • Odoo 16: admin/admin
  • Radiology (dcm4chee): admin/admin

OpenMRS URL(use EMR credentials): https://demo.standard.mybahmni.in/openmrs

Released version of Bahmni Standard with EMR, OpenELIS, Odoo 16, PACS and Metabase Bahmni Standard comes with integrated EMR, OpenELIS for Lab Management, Odoo for Billing and Inventory Management and DCM4CHEE as PACS Integration.
2.Bahmni Lite - for Clinics and Small HospitalsLITE V1.0Demo Link: See Bahmni Lite EnvironmentsBahmni LITE. Release notes: Bahmni Lite ReleasesThis is the LITE version of Bahmni, configured for clinics and small hospitals. It comes with the CIEL dictionary, Lab-Lite module and Crater
3.Bahmni Standard LatestLATEST

Link: https://docker.standard.mybahmni.in/

(Credentials are same as above)

Latest build (master) of Bahmni Standard with EMR, OpenELIS, Odoo 16, PACS and Metabase This is the development and QA environment where the latest builds of Bahmni Standard is deployed. This environment is available only from 6.00 AM IST to 9.00 PM IST. 

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