Configuring Form Builder
Configuring Form Builder
Sravanthi N. S. CH.
Shashikanth Gadgay
Hanisha Potturi (Deactivated)
Gurpreet Luthra
Owned by Sravanthi N. S. CH.
Configure the icon in home dashboard
Add new icon in home dashboard for navigating to implementer interface.
In home/extension.json, add the configuration as shown below
Sample Configuration
"implementerInterface": { "id": "bahmni.implementer.interface", "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.home.dashboard", "type": "link", "translationKey": "MODULE_LABEL_IMPLEMENTER_INTERFACE_KEY", "url": "/implementer-interface", "icon": "fa fa-pencil-square-o", "order": 12 }
Supported configuration for key Url
In above example configuration, make sure the value configured for key url to be "/implementer-interface" (this is the supported value and can't be changed)
For further configurations, please refer Home App