There are plenty of materials online that would help you to master these commands and its various options. This list will tell you what commands you should start looking up.
- ls
- List files in current directory
- ls -l Lists files in “long” format
- ls –a List all files, including “hidden” files.
- touch <file name>
- Create an empty file
- cat <filename>
- Show contents of a file
- cat -n <filename>
- Show contents of a file, with line numbers
- man <command name>
- Get help on the “ls” command.
- chmod
- change file access permissions
- chown
- change file owner and group
- chgrp
- change group ownership
- pwd
- Shows the current location in the directory tree
- cd directory
- Change into the specified directory name
- cd ~ “~” is an alias for your home directory. It can be used as a shortcut to your “home”, or other directories relative to your home.
- cd .. Move up one directory.
- tail
- Display the last few lines of a text file. Example: tail /etc/services
- tail –f Display the last few lines of a text file,
- cp
- Copies a file from one location to another. Example: cp mp3files.txt /tmp
- mv
- Moves a file to a new location, or renames it. For example: mv mp3files.txt /tmp
- rm
- Delete a file. Example: rm /tmp/mp3files.txt
- rmdir
- Remove empty directories
- mkdir
- Make Directory. Example: mkdir /tmp/myfiles/
- rmdir Remove Directory. Example: rmdir /tmp/myfiles/
- find
- It can be used to search for files matching certain patterns, find . -name \*mp3
- ps -ef
- Lists currently running process (programs)
- df
- Report file system disk space usage (“Disk Free” is how I remember it)
- du
- Disk Usage in a particular directory. “du -s” provides a summary for the current directory.
- Clear
- Clear the screen
- ps -ef | grep <application name>
- List <application name> running in the system
- tar
- -xvf <filename.tar> extract tar file
- -cvf <filename.tar> compress files and folders
- -tvf archive.tar List all files in archive.tar verbosely.
- yum <install/remove> <Application name>
- this is command is used to install or uninstall the programme
- kill
- Terminate a process
- ifconfig
- configure a network interface
- scp
- secure copy (remote file copy program)
- chkconfig
- updates and queries runlevel information for system services
- service start|stop|status
- who
- whoami
- useradd
- passwd
- sudo
- ssh
- ping