Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. In the entity_mapping_type table, add a record to define the mapping between program and encounter type

    Code Block
    titleentity_mapping_type entry
    insert into entity_mapping_type(name, uuid, entity1_type, entity2_type, date_created) 
    values ('program_encountertype', uuid(), 'org.openmrs.Program', 'org.openmrs.EncounterType', now())
  2. In the entity_mapping table, insert a record to create the mapping between a specific program and the specific encounter type

    Code Block
    titleentity_mapping entry
    insert into entity_mapping(uuid, entity_mapping_type_id, entity1_uuid, entity2_uuid, date_created) 
    values (uuid(), <id_of_the_record_created_in_step_1>, <uuid_of_program>, <uuid_of_encounter_type>, now()) 




Association observation template to a program


 To associate program to observation template (concept), Bahmni uses the same generic entity mapping as above

  1. In the entity_mapping_type table, add a record to define the mapping between program and concept

    Code Block
    titleentity_mapping_type entry
    insert into entity_mapping_type(name, uuid, entity1_type, entity2_type, date_created) 
    values ('program_obstemplate', uuid(), 'org.openmrs.Program', 'org.openmrs.Concept', now())
  2. In the entity_mapping table, insert a record to create the mapping between a specific program and the specific concept

    Code Block
    titleentity_mapping entry
    insert into entity_mapping(uuid, entity_mapping_type_id, entity1_uuid, entity2_uuid, date_created) 
    values (uuid(), <id_of_the_record_created_in_step_1>, <uuid_of_program>, <uuid_of_concept>, now()) 




To associate programs to patients, please see this user guide
