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CommandDescriptionExampleRead More

List files in current directory

ls -al
touchCreates an empty file  
catShows the contents of a filecat hello.txt 
manShow help for a commandman cat 

Change the file access permissions to give read/write/execute

permissions to a file or files

chmod +x myscript.sh
chownChange the file owner / group ownerchown bahmni:bahmni -R /var/www/
chgrpChange the group ownership  
grepFinds matching data in text inputs using regular expressionscat hello.txt | grep "bahmni"
pwdShows the current directory path (pwd = present working directory)  
cdChange into the specified directorycd /home 
tailDisplay the last few contents of a text file. Useful for seeing log files.tail -f /var/log/openmrs/openmrs.log
cpCopies a file from one location to anothercp abc.txt /home 
mvMoves a file to another location. Also used for renaming a file.mb abc1.txt abc2.txt 
rmDelete a file or a directoryrm /tmp/hello 
mkdirCreate a new directorymkdir music 

Used for searching files matching a certain pattern.

Can also be used to execute specific commands on files which match a certain pattern

find -name "*.mp3"
ps -efPrint all currently running -ef | grep java
dfPrint disk space usage (short for 'disk free')  
duPrint disk usage report for current directorydu -sh
clearClear the screen  
tarFor creating or extracting tar files

-xvf <filename.tar> extract tar file
-cvf <filename.tar> compress files and folders
-tvf archive.tar List all files in archive.tar verbosely.
yumManage installations of RPMs / softwares.

yum install bahmni-emr

yum remove bahmni-emr

yum info bahmni-emr
killTerminate a process / Raise a Signalkill -9 <pid>
ifconfigPrint network configuration / IP of the machine  
scpSecure copy of files (over SSH port)

scp -r foo john@remotehost:/tmp
chkconfigUpdates and queries runlevel information for system services
serviceProvide information on registered system services.

service bahmni-emr status

service bahmni-emr stop

service bahmni-emr start
whoamiPrints the details of the current user  
useraddAdd user to system
passwdSet password of the user  
sudoRun with root privilegesudo service bahmni-emr stop
sshSSH to a remote machinessh root@
pingCheck if a Ping message can be sent over a networkping 
crontabConfigure cron job (for scheduled tasks)crontab -L
mountMount a disk (partition) on a particular path  
umountUn-mount a disk  
viEditor for filesvi hello.txt (Online VIM tutorial)

iptablesFirewall on Linux
historyList last / all executed commands