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This is a list of common CentOS Linux commands and utilities a Bahmni implementer should know for daily system administration. There is plenty of materials online that would help you to master these commands and its various options.  This list will only tell you what commands you should start looking up.

CommandDescriptionExampleRead More

List files in current directory

ls -al
touchCreates an empty file  
catShows the contents of a filecat hello.txt 
manShow help for a commandman cat 

Change the file access permissions to give read/write/execute

permissions to a file or files

chmod +x myscript.sh
chownChange the file owner / group ownerchown bahmni:bahmni -R /var/www/
chgrpChange the group ownership  
grepFinds matching data in text inputs using regular expressionscat hello.txt | grep "bahmni"
pwdShows the current directory path (pwd = present working directory)  
cdChange into the specified directorycd /home 
tailDisplay the last few contents of a text file. Useful for seeing log files.tail -f /var/log/openmrs/openmrs.log
cpCopies a file from one location to anothercp abc.txt /home 
mvMoves a file to another location. Also used for renaming a file.mb abc1.txt abc2.txt 
rmDelete a file or a directoryrm /tmp/hello 
mkdirCreate a new directorymkdir music 

Used for searching files matching a certain pattern.

Can also be used to execute specific commands on files which match a certain pattern

find -name "*.mp3"
ps -efPrint all currently running -ef | grep java
dfPrint disk space usage (short for 'disk free')  
duPrint disk usage report for current directorydu -sh
clearClear the screen  
tarFor creating or extracting tar files

-xvf <filename.tar> extract tar file
-cvf <filename.tar> compress files and folders
-tvf archive.tar List all files in archive.tar verbosely.
yumManage installations of RPMs / softwares.

yum install bahmni-emr

yum remove bahmni-emr

yum info bahmni-emr
killTerminate a process / Raise a Signalkill -9 <pid>
ifconfigPrint network configuration / IP of the machine  
scpSecure copy of files (over SSH port)

scp -r foo john@remotehost:/tmp
chkconfigUpdates and queries runlevel information for system services
serviceProvide information on registered system services.

service bahmni-emr status

service bahmni-emr stop

service bahmni-emr start
whoamiPrints the details of the current user  
useraddAdd user to system
passwdSet password of the user  
sudoRun with root privilegesudo service bahmni-emr stop
sshSSH to a remote machinessh root@
pingCheck if a Ping message can be sent over a networkping 
crontabConfigure cron job (for scheduled tasks)crontab -L
mountMount a disk (partition) on a particular path  
umountUn-mount a disk  
viEditor for filesvi hello.txt (Online VIM tutorial)

iptablesFirewall on Linux
historyList last / all executed commands

topshow processor and memory as being used and other information like running processestop

Further reading : htop :

freegives understanding of total available space of physical memory and swap memoryfree -m