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Table of Contents

Creating Admin User


aws/policies folder contains all custom policies applied to the AWS account. Below CLI assumes that your local aws profile is named bahmni-aws. You can also globally export your aws profile using export AWS_PROFILE=your-profile which would eliminate the need to specify --profile with each CLI.

⚠️ Note: you will need to replace {YourAccountNumber} with your account number in CLI and in the policy documents. Remember to not check in your account number to public github repositories.


1️⃣ Create Bahmni Infra Admin Policy with least privilege

The first step is to create a Policy with least permission to provision Bahmni infra.


Code Block
aws iam create-policy-version \
 --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::{YourAccountNumber}:policy/BahmniInfraAdmin \
 --policy-document file://aws/policies/BahmniInfraAdmin.json \
 --set-as-default \
 --profile bahmni-india-aws


2️⃣ Create role with trust policy

We would create a Role BahmniInfraAdminRoleForIAMUsers whose trust policy allows IAM with appropriate privileges to assume the role.


you can also create the role and attach policy using AWS Console.


3️⃣ Create assume role policy for IAM users

Finally we need to create a policy that allows IAM / Group to assume BahmniInfraAdminRoleForIAMUsers role - so that those IAM / group users can have the permission of BahmniInfraAdmin policy and perform infra provisioning.


Code Block
aws iam create-policy \
 --policy-name BahmniInfraAdminAssumeRolePolicy \
 --policy-document file://aws/policies/BahmniInfraAdminAssumeRolePolicy.json \
 --profile bahmni-aws


4️⃣ Create IAM User groups and users

We recommend to create IAM User group and not attaching policies directly to IAM users.


You would need to install kubectl in addition to terraform and aws CLI

1️⃣ Create S3 bucket (to store terraform state file)

Code Block
aws s3api create-bucket \
 --bucket <bucket-name> \
 --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<yourRegion>


Code Block
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning \
 --bucket <bucket-name> \
 --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled


2️⃣ Create dynamodb table

Code Block
aws dynamodb create-table \
 --table-name <lock-table-name> \
 --attribute-definitions AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
 --key-schema AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
 --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
 --region <yourRegion>

Please use appropriate values for <bucket-name>, <lock-table-name> and <yourRegion>. Once the S3 bucket and the DynamoDB table is created, set the values in the config.s3.tfbackend file.


3️⃣ Create resources

The steps until here are one-time steps that needs to be done when a new AWS Account has been created. Now the resources can be provisioned either from your local machine using terraform CLI (or) using Github Actions.


Code Block
cd terraform/node_groups/nonprod
terraform init -backend-config=../../config.s3.tfbackend
terraform apply -auto-approve


4️⃣ (Optional Step) Provisioning multiple environments

title(Optional Step) Provisioning multiple environments

The below steps are optional and this is needed only when multiple environments are needed to be managed under a single AWS account.

  • Create environment specific tfvars file

Duplicate the nonprod.tfvars file and rename it to the environment you would like to create. Then update the required configurations you need.

  • Update environment value

In the newly created tfvars file make sure to update the value of environment and vpc_suffix .

  • Provisioning the environment

Replace {environment_name} in the following commands.

Code Block
terraform init -backend-config=config.s3.tfbackend -backend-config='key={environment_name}/terraform.tfstate'
terraform apply -var-file={environment_name}.tfvars

5️⃣ Using AWS EFS for Persistence

EFS has the capability to mount the same persistent volume to multiple pods at the same time using the ReadWriteMany access mode and EFS data can be accessed from all availability zones in the same region.
