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Sample Form Event:

  • This example hides the 'Number of Packs' control on load of form if  'Smoking History' value is not set. 
Code Block
titleSample Control Event
function(form) {
	if (form.get('Smoking History').getValue() === undefined) {
		form.get('Number of Packs').setHidden(true);
	} else {
		form.get('Number of Packs').setHidden(false);

        2. On Change of Values (Control Event)
              a. To show/hide, enable/disable or change values of controls, then click on Control Event and write the conditions in editor window and save.


Following APIs are exposed on the form Object to get a particular control


Get a control object using concept name.

get(conceptName, position) Get a control object using conceptname and position. Position is used only when there are multiple concepts in the same form
getById(ControlID)Get a control object using control ID
getPatient()Get a patient object

Following APIs are exposed on the control object 

getValue()Returns value of a particular control
setValue(value)Set a value to a particular control

Returns whether the control is hidden or not

setHidden(hidden)Hide/Show a particular control
getEnabled()Returns whether the control is enabled or not
setEnabled(enabled)Enable/Disabled a particular control