property | description |
description | a description |
format | java class of the attribute |
name | name of the attribute |
uuid | uuid of the attribute |
- description: "मरीज़ का उपनाम"
- format: "java.lang.String"
- name: "familyNameLocal"
- required: false
- uuid: "b4f44ade-c79a-11e2-b284-107d46e7b2c5"
Pre-fill Address details based on login location
To use this functionality location needs to be configured as a login location in openmrs. The configuration needed in registration/app.json is
"config": {
"prepopulateFields" : ["Division", "Zilla", "Upazilla"]
Info |
- The above configuration (of extension point "org.bahmni.registration.patient.next") will always open a visit of one specific type. No other Visit Types are even listed. The visit type determination happens in the following order
- This above extension point will be deprecated. From Bahmni version 0.89, configuration of "forwardUrlsForVisitTypes" (in app.json) specified below is preferred.
- In case both "org.bahmni.registration.patient.next" (extension point) and "forwardUrlsForVisitTypes" (configuration) is enabled, the former will take precedence.