Bahmni Configurations

Bahmni Configurations

In order for Bahmni Clinical to work, there is a minimum set of reference data that needs to be configured. Here is a list of configuration, and the modules that require it. 


  1. Visit types  Encounter types and encounter type to location mapping  (mandatory for all modules)
  2. Locations (mandatory for all modules)
  3. Providers, Users and Roles (mandatory for all modules)
  4. Ward Configuration (Optional)


  1. Patient identifier configuration (mandatory for all modules)
  2. Patient attribute types (Optional Used in Registration module)
  3. Address hierarchy (Optional. Used in Registration module)


  1. Diagnoses (Optional. Used in Diagnosis tab for Clinical module)
  2. Laboratory panels and tests (Optional)
  3. Drug List  (Optional. Used in Treatments tab for Clinical module)
  4. Drug Templates
  5. Observation templates (Optional. Used in Clinical module)
    1. Including ones used in registration
  6. Disease templates (Optional. Used in Clinical module)
  7. Surgery and procedure list
  8. Dispositions
  9. Enabling Consultation link when patient doesn't have an open visit

Billing and Stocks

  • Accounting Heads
  • Credits, Discounts, Taxes
  • Warehouses


  1. User Interface Configuration
    1. Patient Dashboards (by condition, disease, for simplification of UI)
    2. Visit Views
  2. Reports

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