Bahmni Configurations
Bahmni Configurations
In order for Bahmni Clinical to work, there is a minimum set of reference data that needs to be configured. Here is a list of configuration, and the modules that require it.
- Visit types Encounter types and encounter type to location mapping (mandatory for all modules)
- Locations (mandatory for all modules)
- Providers, Users and Roles (mandatory for all modules)
- Ward Configuration (Optional)
- Patient identifier configuration (mandatory for all modules)
- Patient attribute types (Optional Used in Registration module)
- Address hierarchy (Optional. Used in Registration module)
- Diagnoses (Optional. Used in Diagnosis tab for Clinical module)
- Laboratory panels and tests (Optional)
- Drug List (Optional. Used in Treatments tab for Clinical module)
- Drug Templates
- Observation templates (Optional. Used in Clinical module)
- Including ones used in registration
- Disease templates (Optional. Used in Clinical module)
- Surgery and procedure list
- Dispositions
Enabling Consultation link when patient doesn't have an open visit
Billing and Stocks
- Accounting Heads
- Credits, Discounts, Taxes
- Warehouses
- User Interface Configuration
- Patient Dashboards (by condition, disease, for simplification of UI)
- Visit Views
- Reports
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