Drug Data

Drug Data

The problem with reference data setup in Bahmni is the reference data needs to be present in multiple systems/databases. The data is stored in a different way and in the case of Drugs even in a completely different domain.

Earlier solution was having an application just dedicated to reference data setup. The application was decomissioned in favor of OpenMRS being the main recognized application for reference data setup.

OpenMRS gives a lot of flexibility since it recognizes everything as Concepts. So all resources like tests, panels, samples, departments, drugs are concepts in OpenMRS. Drugs are also recognized as a separate resource in OpenMRS, but their setup is a little different from the other resources.

OpenMRS Drug Reference Data

Drugs exist as a separate entity in OpenMRS but they also require a concept linking.

The way the drugs are created are
There needs to be a generic concept which depicts the generic drug.

So if there are drugs like Paracetamol 2mg, Paracetamol 500mg tablet etc. 
They will need a generic concept "Paracetamol" created. The concept created for drug must be of concept class "Drug". 
Then a drug can be created which is linked to the generic concept. The drug can have a dosage form, maximum/minimum daily dose and strength.

Concept - "Paracetamol" - Concept Class - "Drug"
Drug - "Paracetamol 2mg" - Dosage Form - "Injection" - Strength - "2mg" Concept - "Paracetamol"
Drug - "Paracetamol 500mg" - Dosage Form - "Tablet" - Strength - "500mg" Concept - "Paracetamol"

There is a many-to-one relationship between Drugs and Concepts belonging to concept class "Drug".

When a new Drug is created an event is published from OpenMRS in the atomfeed.  The "OpenERP Atom Feed Service" will then consume the events from OpenMRS and then create the drug details in OpenERP.  The Drug in OpenMRS is mapped to Product in OpenERP.  The fields are mapped as follows:

dosageFormcateg_id - id of product.category table

The process of synchronization between various components can be found here.

Setting up Drug data using CSV import

  1. Upload concept CSV for Drug Dosage Forms

    Sample file: Drug_Dosage_Forms_concepts.csv

  2. Upload concept CSV for Generic Drug concepts

           Sample file: Drug_Generic_Name_concepts.csv

     3. Upload drug CSV for Drug formulations.

          Sample file: Drugs.csv

Video Guide

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