Configure Clinical Home
- Teresa Gracias
- Suman Maity
- Hanisha Potturi (Deactivated)
This page has been Archived, and is obsolete. It is available on the Bahmni wiki only for reference and historical purposes. Instead of deleting a page, we prefer to "archive" it, so that it is still available to people who have bookmarked the page.
Maybe you would like to read this page: Clinical Module (Implementers Guide)
The Clinical Services feature is used to view the treatment history of existing patients, as well as to start a registered patient's treatment process in the medical facility.
- Enter Patient data retrospectively or on behalf of another provider.
View Patient Dashboard including Patient Details, Active and Past Programs, etc.
- View the summary of a Patient's visit along with graphs and trend mapping.
- Capture specific clinical observations for the patient such as Obstetrics, Gynecology, etc.
- Autocompletes most data fields for easier data entry.
- Capture various diagnoses for the patient.
- Capture Dispositions for the patient with Disposition notes.
- Capture Consultation notes for the patient.
Prescribe treatment orders for medications.
Place orders for radiology tests via PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) integration.
Place orders for Laboratory tests.
View the consultation history of the patient.
View scanned documents and results of tests.
Capture Bacteriology test results for the patient (different from laboratory tests). Bacteriology includes smear test results, culture test results and drug-sensitivity test results.
- View Patient Lists with support for sorting by filters.
All configuration for the tabs should be in openmrs/apps/clinical/dashboard.json.
Steps to configure:
1. Configure General Tab
Patient Dashboard View for General Tab
Please refer to the code snippet below:
"general": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TAB_GENERAL_KEY", "displayByDefault": true, "maxRecentlyViewedPatients": 10, "sections": { "patientInformation": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_PATIENT_INFORMATION_KEY", "type": "patientInformation", "displayOrder": 0, "ageLimit":100, "patientAttributes": [], "addressFields": [ "address1", "address2", "cityVillage", "countryDistrict" ] }, "diagnosis": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_DIAGNOSIS_KEY", "type": "diagnosis", "showCertainty": true, "showOrder": true, "displayOrder": 1 }, "disposition": { "translationKey" : "DASHBOARD_TITLE_DISPOSITION_KEY", "type": "disposition", "numberOfVisits": 1, "displayOrder": 2 }, "treatments": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_TREATMENTS_KEY", "type": "treatment", "displayOrder": 3, "dashboardConfig": { "showFlowSheet": true, "showListView": true, "showRoute": true, "showDrugForm": true, "numberOfVisits": 5, "showOtherActive": true, "showDetailsButton": true }, "expandedViewConfig": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_TREATMENTS_KEY", "showFlowSheet": true, "showListView": true, "showRoute": true, "showDrugForm": true, "numberOfVisits": 10, "showOtherActive": true, "showDetailsButton": true } }, "radiology": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_RADIOLOGY_KEY", "type": "radiology", "displayOrder": 4 }, "programs": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_PROGRAMS_KEY", "type": "programs", "displayOrder": 5 }, "navigationLinksControl": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_NAVIGATION_LINKS_CONTROL_KEY", "type": "navigationLinksControl", "displayOrder": 6, "links": [ { "translationKey":"HOME_DASHBOARD_KEY", "url": "../home/#/dashboard" }, { "url": "../clinical/#/default/patient/{{patientUuid}}/dashboard/visit/{{visitUuid}}/?encounterUuid=active", "translationKey":"PATIENT_VISIT_PAGE_KEY" }, { "translationKey":"PATIENT_ADT_PAGE_KEY", "url": "../adt/#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/visit/{{visitUuid}}/" }, { "translationKey":"PATIENT_DASHBOARD_KEY", "url": "../clinical/#/default/patient/{{patientUuid}}/dashboard" }, { "translationKey":"DISCHARGE_SUMMARY_PAGE_KEY", "url": "../clinical/#/default/patient/{{patientUuid}}/dashboard/visit/{{visitUuid}}" }, { "translationKey":"PROGRAM_MANAGEMENT_PAGE_KEY", "url": "../clinical/#/programs/patient/{{patientUuid}}/consultationContext" }, { "translationKey":"CONSULTATION_PAGE_KEY", "url": "../clinical/#/default/patient/{{patientUuid}}/concept-set-group/observations" } ] }, "radiologyOrders": { "orderType": "Radiology Order", "type": "ordersControl", "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_RADIOLOGY_ORDERS_KEY", "displayOrder": 7, "dashboardConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "Summary" ], "numberOfVisits": 4 } }, "pacs": { "orderType": "Radiology Order", "type": "pacsOrders", "translationKey" : "DASHBOARD_TITLE_PACS_KEY", "displayOrder": 8, "dashboardConfig": { "pacsImageUrl": "/oviyam2/viewer.html?patientID={{patientID}}&accessionNumber={{orderNumber}}", "numberOfVisits": 4 } }, "labOrdersDisplayControl": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_LAB_ORDERS_DISPLAY_CONTROL_KEY", "type": "ordersControl", "orderType": "Lab Order", "showDetailsButton": true, "displayOrder": 9, "dashboardConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "Systolic", "Diastolic", "Posture", "Temperature" ] }, "expandedViewConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "Systolic", "Diastolic", "Posture", "Temperature" ] } }, "bacteriologyResults":{ "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_BACTERIOLOGY_RESULTS_KEY", "type": "bacteriologyResultsControl", "scope": "All", "orderType": "", "dashboardConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "BACTERIOLOGY CONCEPT SET" ] } }, "labResults": { "translationKey":"DASHBOARD_TITLE_LAB_RESULTS_KEY", "type": "labOrders", "displayOrder": 10, "dashboardConfig": { "title": null, "numberOfVisits": 1, "showChart": false, "showTable": true, "showDetailsButton": false, "initialAccessionCount": 0, "latestAccessionCount": 1 }, "expandedViewConfig": { "numberOfVisits": 10 } }, "nutritionalValues": { "translationKey":"DASHBOARD_TITLE_NUTRITIONAL_VALUES_KEY", "type": "vitals", "isObservation": true, "displayOrder": 11, "dashboardConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "HEIGHT", "Weight", "BMI", "BMI STATUS" ], "numberOfVisits": 2 }, "expandedViewConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "HEIGHT", "Weight", "BMI", "BMI STATUS" ], "numberOfVisits": 2, "scope": "latest", "showDetailsButton": true, "pivotTable": { "numberOfVisits": "4", "groupBy": "encounters", "obsConcepts": ["Vitals", "Height", "Weight", "Pathology"], "drugConcepts": "", "labConcepts": "" }, "observationGraph" : { "type": "observationGraph", "title": "Temperature", "config": { "yAxisConcepts": ["Temperature"], "numberOfVisits": 3 } } } }, "vitals": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_VITALS_KEY", "type": "vitals", "isObservation": true, "displayOrder": 12, "dashboardConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "Vitals" ], "numberOfVisits": 2 }, "expandedViewConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "Vitals" ], "numberOfVisits": 2, "showDetailsButton": true, "pivotTable": { "numberOfVisits": "10", "groupBy": "encounters", "obsConcepts": [ "Weight", "Vitals" ], "drugConcepts": [], "labConcepts": [] } } }, "secondVitals": { "translationKey":"DASHBOARD_TITLE_SECOND_VITALS_KEY", "type": "second vitals", "isObservation": true, "displayOrder": 13, "dashboardConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "Second Vitals" ], "numberOfVisits": 2 }, "expandedViewConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "Second Vitals" ], "numberOfVisits": 2, "showDetailsButton": true, "pivotTable": {} } }, "historyAndExaminations": { "translationKey": "DASHBOARD_TITLE_HISTORY_AND_EXAMINATIONS_KEY", "type": "vitals", "isObservation": true, "displayOrder": 14, "dashboardConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "History and Examination" ], "obsIgnoreList": [ "Height", "Smoking History" ] "numberOfVisits": 2 }, "expandedViewConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "History and Examination" ], "numberOfVisits": 2, "showDetailsButton": true, "pivotTable": {} } }, "gynaecology": { "translationKey":"DASHBOARD_TITLE_GYNAECOLOGY_KEY", "type": "gynaecology", "isObservation": true, "displayOrder": 15, "dashboardConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "Gynaecology" ], "numberOfVisits": 2 }, "expandedViewConfig": { "conceptNames": [ "Gynaecology" ], "numberOfVisits": 2, "showDetailsButton": true, "pivotTable": {} } }, "obstetrics": { "translationKey":"DASHBOARD_TITLE_OBSTETRICS_KEY", "type