Order Fulfilment (Old)

Please refer to this page for details on Order Fulfilment

For Configuring Orders app

Sample config ( In home–> extension.json )

Configuring Orders app
"orders": {
 "id": "bahmni.orders",
 "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.home.dashboard",
 "type": "link",
 "label": "Orders",
 "url": "../orders/#/search",
 "icon": "fa-book",
 "order": 10,
 "requiredPrivilege": "app:orders"

For Configuring Order  patient list queues

For configuring patient  list queues with tabs as order type use the following config in extension.json under Orders folder.

Sample config for configuring order patient list queues
"drugOrder": {
 "id": "bahmni.clinical.patients.search.DrugOrderAllPatients",
 "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.patient.search",
 "type": "config",
 "extensionParams": {
  "searchHandler": "emrapi.sqlSearch.activePatients",
  "display":"Drug Order",
  "forwardUrl" : "../orders/#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/fulfillment/Drug Order",
  "forwardButtonTitle" : "View",
 "label": "Drug Order",
 "order": 1,
 "requiredPrivilege": "app:orders"


At the end of forward url after the "/fulfillment/" , you need to specify Order Type you want to see. In the above config, order type is Drug Order.

For "Lab Order", forward url is "../orders/#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/fulfillment/Lab Order"

For Configuring Observation Template: 

Add the root concept set with the following format and add the concepts you want to configure under that root concept set.

Format : Order Type + " Fulfilment Form "

Example: For Drug Order root concept set should be " Drug Order Fulfillment Form " where "Drug Order " is the order type

For Configuring orders in Order fulfillment form to display orders belonging to the current facility by locationTags:

In orders/app.json:

"config" : {
"conceptSetUI" : {
"facilityLocationTags" : ["Report Location"]

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