Lab Order Control

Lab Order Control


This Control is used to list all the lab orders and the results captured against those orders for a particular patient.


Key Field Table

dashboardParamsIndicates the configuration for the dashboardY
titleIndicates the title that will be displayed on the dashboard/visit page for the sectionY
typeThe name/id for the control that needs to be picked from the codeY
numberOfVisitsThe number of visits for which data has to be displayedN
showChartConfiguration to display the investigation chart. If it is on, the investigation chart will be displayed along with the lab results table for IPD patients.N
showTableConfiguration to display the lab results table. If set to false along with showFlowSheet, only the header will be displayed.N

Configuration to display audit information when '+ ' sign is clicked. If set to false, the '+' button will not be displayed.N
showNormalLabResultsShow lab results that are not marked abnormal in OpenElis. N
showCommentsExpandedSetting to display comments in expanded form, when they are present. The comments section will be collapsed by default if there are no comments mentioned in OpenElis.N
showAccessionNotesDisplay Accession Notes provided by Lab Manager in OpenElisN
expandedViewConfigIndicates the configuration for the details page (All LabDetails Page)N
observationGraphIndicates the configuration for the observationGraph (OPTIONAL)N

Hides the display control if there are no recorded values present for it when set to true, default value is set to false

hideResultsColumnWhen set to true, hides the lab order results column display, while keeping the lab order names visible.N
chartConfigConfiguration for chart view of lab results (investigation chart). This config will work only if showChart is set to true. N
sortResultColumnsLatestFirstWhen set to true, lab results column in investigation chart will be sorted and displayed in descending order by date, i.e., the latest lab results will be shown first.N
groupByPanelConfiguration for investigation chart. When set to true, group the tests by panels and display it along with panel name in the chart view, else lab tests will be displayed based on sortWeight. N

Sample Config

Add to clinical/dashboard.json for it to appear on the patient dashboard
"labResults": {
 "title": "Lab Results",
 "type": "labOrders",
 "dashboardConfig": {
   "title": null,
   "numberOfVisits": 1,
   "showChart": false,
   "showTable": true,
   "showDetailsButton": false,
   "showNormalLabResults": true,
   "showCommentsExpanded": true,
   "showAccessionNotes": true,
   "visitUuids": null, //ignores numberOfVisits if provided
   "patientUuid": null, //mandatory if numberOfVisits provided
   "hideResultsColumn": false,
   "chartConfig": {
     "sortResultColumnsLatestFirst": true,
	 "groupByPanel": true
 "expandedViewConfig": {
   "numberOfVisits": 3,
   "observationGraph" : {
   "type": "observationGraph",
   "name": "observationGraph",
   "title": "Temperature",
   "config": {
     "yAxisConcepts": ["Temperature"],
     "numberOfVisits": 3
 "hideEmptyDisplayControl": false



"showChart": true, "showTable": false

"showChart": false, "showTable": true

"showChart": true,
"hideResultsColumn": false

"showChart": true,
"hideResultsColumn": true

"showTable": true,
"showDetailsButton": false

"showTable": true,
"showDetailsButton": true

"showChart": true,
"chartConfig": {       "sortResultColumnsLatestFirst": true,

"showChart": true,
"chartConfig": {       "sortResultColumnsLatestFirst": false,

"showChart": true,
"chartConfig": {   "sortResultColumnsLatestFirst": true,
 "groupByPanel": true

"showChart": true,
"chartConfig": {   "sortResultColumnsLatestFirst": true,
 "groupByPanel": false

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