Laboratory Module
Laboratory Module
Teresa Gracias
teresa gracias
Hanisha Potturi (Deactivated)
Owned by Teresa Gracias
Purpose and Benefits
Bahmni integrates OpenMRS with OpenELIS which is a laboratory management system. The doctor can order lab tests from the Orders tab in the consultation screen and the test will sync to OpenELIS where the lab technician can see the backlog of patients with their respective lab order requests. Bahmni automatically syncs the tests that are set up from the OpenMRS admin page to OpenELIS thus facilitating easy laboratory management.
- Configure Laboratory Management System (OpenELIS)
- OpenELIS Basic Configurations
- Advanced Lab Configuration
- OpenELIS Manuals
- OpenElis Department Wise Results Entry
- Configuring print of lab reports
- Types of test status
- Show provider from OpenMRS to OpenELIS as a requester
- Importing Result Range Data into OpenELIS PostgreSQL: Step-by-Step Guide