Vinay Venu
Gurpreet Luthra
Owned by Vinay Venu
Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 by Gurpreet Luthra
This section contains various presentations created by the Bahmni community for conferences / online sessions / etc.
List of Presentations
- Bahmni Articles & News Items on the Internet
- Bahmni - Scaling in Multiple Countries (OpenMRS Summit)
- Bahmni adopted by CURE Hospital in Ethiopia
- Bahmni adopted in Ethiopia in UoG Hospital
- Bahmni, DHIS2 and HIE rollout in the Kingdom of Lesotho (External Report)
- Comparison of Bahmni EHR with other Opensource EHRs (External Report: 2017)
- Bahmni adopted in Lao Friends Hospital for Children (Friends without a Border)
- Creating Clinical Forms in Less than 30 minutes (OpenMRS Summit)
- Bahmni Hands-on Configuration Session (OpenMRS Summit)
- ATOM Feed Integration in Bahmni (Online session)
- Lessons learnt deploying an EMR in rural India (OpenMRS summit)
- Bahmni - Open Source EHR System
- Bahmni - An Introduction (In Spanish) / Una Introduccion (En Español)
- Bahmni Connect Overview (OpenMRS Summit)
- Fair & Equitable Healthcare: Community-led tapestry of interoperable FOSS products (OASIS Summit 2023)
- Lessons Learnt from 8 Years of Opensource Development of Bahmni (xConf 2021)
- Bahmni Lite -- Lightweight version of Bahmni for Clinics and Small Hospitals (OpenMRS Mini-meet)
The Bahmni documentation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)