Bahmni - Open Source EHR System

Bahmni - Open Source EHR System

Presentation Details

Speaker: Ranjan Sakalley, Mr Anant Raut

Abstract: In this webinar, Mr. Anant Raut from PossibleHealth share their journey in EHR at Achham and elaborate on integration of patient data, integration of national systems, and role in National eHealth plans while Mr. Ranjan Sakalley from ThoughtWorks shares about Bahmi (http://www.bahmni.org/) and its implementations, their experiences in Bangladesh in national health record systems, technology architecture, and standards, as well as different systems like CommCare to integrate with national SHR.

Venue: Asia eHealth Information Network(https://aehin.hingx.org/bahmni) - 28/Jan/2016

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/runjan/bahmni









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