Order Fulfillment Control

Order Fulfillment Control


It displays all the orders (for configured number of visits) and their corresponding fulfillment details for an orderType configured.

ELIS results don't sync with this display control. It's only configured for order fulfillment flow within EMR.



Sample Config

Add to clinical/dashboard.json for it to appear on the patient dashboard
"labOrdersControl": {
 "orderType": "Lab Order",
 "type": "ordersControl",
 "title": "Lab Orders Display Control",
 "dashboardConfig": {   
    "conceptNames": ["Systolic", "Diastolic", "Posture", "Temperature"],
    "numberOfVisits": "4",
	"showHeader": true,
	"obsIgnoreList" : ["Supine"]
  } ,
 "expandedViewConfig": {
      "conceptNames": ["Systolic", "Diastolic", "Posture", "Temperature"],
	   "showHeader": true

Key Field Table

orderTypetype of the order you want to display (Required)Y
typethe name/id for the control that needs to be picked from the code. (Required)Y
titleindicates the title that will be displayed on the dashboard/visit page for the section. (Required)Y
conceptNamesSpecify the concept names of the concepts that need to be displayed in this section. (Required)Y

specifies the number of visits for which orders has to be displayed. (Optional)

dashboardConfigindicates the configuration for the dashboardY
expandedViewConfigIndicates the configuration for the details page (All Orders Page)N
showHeaderIf set to true, the headers will be displayed; otherwise the headers will be displayed only when observations are captured for the order . Default value : true .(Optional)N
obsIgnoreListSpecify the concept names whose observations can be ignored in this section (Optional)N

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