Bahmni App Configuration

Bahmni App Configuration

Configuration Files

Bahmni configuration files are deployed under /bahmni_config/openmrs/apps of the Bahmni web server. Each implementation should have its own copy of configuration files. The configuration files are largely simple json files.A typical directory structure would look like this. 

Typical Directory Structure for Configuration files
├── admin
├── adt
├── clinical
├── customDisplayControl
│   ├── js
│   └── views
├── documentUpload
├── home
├── orders
├── registration
│   ├── registrationCardLayout
│   │   ├── css
│   │   └── images
│   └── supplementalPaperLayout
│       └── css
└── reports
    └── sql

A sample configuration file set that has all features turned on can be found in Github. To simplify the effort, consider starting with working configuration files available in the Bahmni organization in GIthub (look for repositories ending with "-config"). 

  1. http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/ is an online JSON editor, which is quite popular to visually validate / edit JSON file.
  2. You can refer to other Bahmni configurations/master data of real hospitals to learn from their work, and build your own on top of that. See this page (Hospital section): List of Repositories needed for Development on Bahmni


Apps are the top-level applications in Bahmni. An app will contain an app.json, an extension.json and optionally some custom configuration files.


A typical app.json will look like this. It is the primary configuration file for an app. This will contain all app level configurations. It also defines extensions that can be used to extend the app. 

        "id": "org.bahmni.newapp", // Unique ID for an app
        "extensionPoints": [
                "id": "org.bahmni.newapp.newextension", // Unique ID for an extension
                "description": "Makes cheese" // Description for what an extension can do
        "config" : {"keySpecificTonewapp": true} //A custom object that can be used by the application. Each application has settings that it can use


extension.json contains instances of extensions configured for an app. In the above example, we created an extension with id "org.bahmni.newapp.newextension". This will be used in extension.json to create a new extension. Some extensions provide the ability to link to urls in a different app, thus allowing us to create entirely new apps based on urls from existing apps (Creating custom apps is a more involved topic, and not in scope of the discussion here). 

  // Multiple extensions can be configured within this file. Each needs a unique key, like someKey below

  "someKey": { //Some key. It needs to be unique within the file, and describe what this extension does

    "id": "org.bahmni.newapp.newextension.uniqueId", //Mandatory. Unique id for this extension

    "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.newapp.newextension", //Mandatory. Must match an extensionPoint defined in app.json. Describes the type of extension described by this extension

    "type": "link", //Mandatory. Currently Bahmni only supports extensions of type link and config

    "label": "A nice label", //Optional name for this extension. Extensions may use this to show titles etc

    "translationKey":"OBSERVATIONS_BOARD_LABEL_KEY", // Optional. If 

    "url": "/newUrl", //Sets url of the extension to newUrl 

    "icon": "fa-user-md", // Optional. Used if extension supports an icon

    "order": 1, // Optional. Used to order extensions of the same type if the extension supports it

    "requiredPrivilege": "app:clinical:observationTab" // User privileges required to activate this extension

Other files are custom configuration that came out of the need to separate out configuration of specific functionality that grew too big. 

Configurations possible for each app are provided below. 

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