Ward Management

Ward Management

Purpose and Benefits

Ward management is part of the In-Patient Module and is used to set wards and bed location.

Bahmni expects that the wards setup in a 2 level hierarchy. i.e Beds are mapped to a Room/Sub ward which is a child location of a parent ward.

Example for valid Bahmni Wards setup is as below.


Setup Variables

Setup variables that have to be used for Ward Management

SET @parent_location_id = (select location_id from location where name='General Ward');
SET @location_id = (select location_id from location where name='Physical General Ward');
SET @location_tag_id = (select location_tag_id from location_tag where name='Admission Location');

Setup wards

insert into location (name, description, creator, retired, date_created, uuid) values('General Ward', 'General Ward', 1, 0, NOW(), UUID());
insert into location (name, description, creator, retired, date_created, uuid, parent_location) values('Physical General Ward', '1st Floor of General Ward', 1, 0, NOW(), UUID(), @parent_location_id);
insert into location_tag_map values( @parent_location_id , @location_tag_id);
insert into location_tag_map values( @location_id , @location_tag_id);

Add Bed Types

insert into bed_type values(1, 'deluxe', 'deluxe bed', 'DLX');

Add Beds

insert into bed (bed_id, bed_number, status, bed_type_id, uuid, creator, date_created, voided) values(1, '304-a', 'AVAILABLE', 1, UUID(), 1, NOW(), false);

Map beds to ward list

insert into bed_location_map(bed_location_map_id, location_id, row_number, column_number, bed_id) values(1, @location_id, 1, 1, 1);

Sample Bed Management SQL file

This sample bed management sql file adds Bed types and Beds and maps beds to ward list. One can change the sql file as per their need and import it to openmrs database.

mysql -uroot -ppassword openmrs < bed_management_locations.sql

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