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The Appointment Scheduling feature will be available from release 0.90.


To add a speciality we can run the following query.

Code Block
INSERT INTO appointment_speciality (name, date_created, creator, uuid) VALUES ('Cardiology', NOW(), 1, UUID());

Creating a service:

For creating a new Service, only ‘Service Name’ is mandatory.


Speciality: This field is configurable. By default it is shown. you can show/hide this by setting “enableSpecialities” to true/false.

Code Block
"enableSpecialities": true


Service availability:
If you define a service availability it overrides the service level startTime, endTime and MaxLoad and service is only available on selected days within mentioned timings.
Start Time & End time: working hours for a service on selected days of that availability.Start time must be less than end time. If it is wrong time sequence, you will be notified with a message.
Max Load: This indicates the maximum number of appointments that can be booked for a service availability. Negative values are not allowed. 
Days: By default week starts from MONDAY. You can configure the start day of week by assigning a number ranging from [1-7] which indicates [SUNDAY-SATURDAY] to“startOfWeek” in config file.
Ex: If you configure,

Code Block
"startOfWeek": 2

Image Removed

Code Block
"SUNDAY": "Su",
"MONDAY": "Mo",
"TUESDAY": "Tu",
"FRIDAY": "Fr",


Multiple availabilities can be tied to one service. All the availabilities are displayed in order they got added. 



The appointment scheduling module is for enabling the users to primarily Create and Manage Appointments across services and providers. The links below will provide the steps to configure and set up the appointment scheduling module for an implementation. You will find the steps to use the module in the user guide here.

Child pages (Children Display)

Appointment Scheduling app onto Bahmni Clinical Home Page is configured through the following extension in "extension.json" of home as configured here.

Code Block
"appointmentScheduling": {
    "id": "bahmni.appointment.scheduling",
    "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.home.dashboard",
    "type": "link",
    "url": "../appointments",
    "icon": "fa fa-calendar",
    "order": 14,
    "requiredPrivilege": "app:appointments"

Also, please note that you may have to specify your user's permissions to allow appointment scheduling. To grant the user permission, please head over to your OpenMRS settings, then in manage users, type in your user, and grant it the permissions "appointmentmanage" and "appointments:fullaccess."

titleFeature Details

Appointment Scheduling

titleUsage Details

Using Appointment Scheduling in Bahmni