Bahmni LITE E2E Tests

Bahmni LITE E2E tests are available in main branch of repository

Regression tests for Bahmni LITE will run daily at 10.30AM IST against Bahmni LITE QA environment(

To run Regression tests against Bahmni LITE manually use command gauge run specs --tags "clinic & regression" --env qa.lite

Smoke tests will be automatically triggered against Bahmni LITE Dev environment( as and when a deployment in done.

To run smoke tests against Bahmni LITE manually use command gauge run specs --tags "clinic & smoke" --env dev.lite

Scenarios covered under E2E tests

Bahmni Lite tests are tagged as clinic. All UI tests are available here -

The Github actions are configured to run these tests along with API tests, click here for more details about API tests. The results can be viewed at

Notifications for test results are sent to Bahmni Slack cicd-monitor channel.


List of scenarios covered - UI Test Scenarios


  • For Reports, only the clinic visit report is automated currently. Other reports needs to be included as part of E2E test cases.

  • Recurring appointment should be added in E2E.

  • Order Set functionality under Bahmni Admin should be covered.

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