Complete Data exports for endTB

Complete Data exports for endTB


Once the data has been entered into the system this data would be exported in form of CSV files. 

The end user would have a button to export all the data in the system. This data would be exported in the form of a zip file that has various CSV files. The data of all these CSV files can be linked to get all the data in the system.

Types of Exports

Primarily we would divide this data into following types of exports:

  1. Patient export- The data of the patients along with their attributes like age, gender address Identifiers etc. Will be used to Identify the patients. It is the only export that would have patient details.
  2. Forms data export- All the data that has been stored for treatments in various forms would be exported as a part of this.
  3. Treatment Data export- The details of the treatments that patients are enrolled in. 

All of the data that is exported would have the treatment ID for which it is exported. Thus all of the data can be linked to the treatment and thus to the patient 

Additional points to remember:

There would be a separate CSV for each section that can be recorded multiple times for the same form.

These are the steps that need to be done in order to accomplish this data export:

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