This page tries to list out the high level items to consider while performing an implementation, and will also help in estimating the effort, and creating a project plan for execution. Most of this is configuration work depending on the current (or to-be) process when introducing Bahmni to a health facility.
Deployment and Component Configuration
- Components to deploy
- Scheduled jobs
- Logging, database configuration
- Source control for Configuration (using github for example)
- Test environment setup
- Automated deployments (using Go for example)
Organisational Details
- Locations
- Encounter Types
- Users
- User Roles
- Providers
Registration Module Configuration
- Patient Attributes (with lookup values where needed), Genders
- Patient Identifier
- Print outs (e.g. identity cards)
Patient Registration Reference Data
- Patient attribute lookup values
- Address Hierarchy - with master data
- Visit Types
- Relationship Types
Patient's Medical Record Reference Data
- Diagnosis List
- Drugs
- Lab Tests, Lab Test Ranges, Lab Test Result Options, Samples and Panels
- Custom Order Types (i.e. excluding Lab and Drug orders) - concept list for each order type, e.g. x-ray, procedure list
- Programs (with workflow states)
- Concept list (surgery list, chief complaints, procedure list)
- Dispositions
- Drug order sets
Clinical Module Application Configuration
- Patient Dashboards (display controls, details display controls)
- Print outs (dashboard and visit)
- Object Type Mappings
- Patient listings
- Order and fulfilment mappings
- Forms (including order fulfilment forms, custom validation rules)
- Calculated observation rules
- Reference graphs data
Inpatient - Reference Data
- Wards, Physical spaces and Beds
Inpatient Module Application Configuration
- Inpatient dashboard
- Patient listings
PACS Configuration
- Understanding the functioning of device and native client provided with it
- Order and response mapping (HL7)
- Device integration with PACS server
- Canned Reports
- Custom SQL Reports
Data Migration
- Patients
- Patient Relationships
- Encounters
- Program Enrolment
- Lab Result
- Referral Institutes
- Organisation details
- Validation Step
- Requester Names
- Requested from locations
- Module Installation
- Custom filters
- Custom views
- Custom attributes
- OpenMRS to Odoo Mappings (Patient attributes, Location, Order types)
- Users, roles and privileges
- Total Amount to pay (ability to configure this)
Master Data
(may involve import or direct creation)
- Users and privileges
- Warehouse and locations (Warehouse)
- Products (Sales or Warehouse) - categories, product types, services
- Stock values (Warehouse)
- Price list
- Suppliers (Purchases)
- Orderpoints levels (Warehouse)
- Accounting heads, payment modes, tax types, Discount heads, Financial year and parts
- User training
- Data administrator training
- System administrator training
- User machine/device setup
- Production environment setup
- Production environment testing and acceptance