Bahmni Lite - A lightweight opensource version of Bahmni

Bahmni Lite - A lightweight opensource version of Bahmni

  1. Bahmni Lite is a light-weight, opensource flavor of Bahmni targeted towards clinics & small hospitals, which don’t need a heavy-weight HIMS, but are looking for an easy-to-use EMR & Billing software. See Release Notes.

  2. Bahmni Lite contains Bahmni EMR (backend is OpenMRS), Crater (billing and invoicing solution) and Metabase for Analytics – and is cloud ready for quick deployment. Read more here.

  3. In contrast to standard version of Bahmni for hospitals, the Lite version of Bahmni does not package opensource OpenELIS (Lab information system) and Odoo (ERP). Instead it packages Lab Lite module and Crater. The EMR/Clinical portion of Bahmni Standard and Bahmni Lite are exactly the same. It's just the Lab & ERP pieces which are different – due to the fact that Lite is targeted towards clinics/small hospitals which don’t need full blown Lab management systems or ERP for stock management, etc.

  4. Read this presentation PDF to know more: (PDF on Bahmni Lite)

  5. YouTube Video introduction to Bahmni Lite: (Bahmni Lite v1.0 Intro on YouTube)

  6. Screenshots of Bahmni: (See this presentation with screenshots)


You can evaluate Bahmni Lite on our QA environments, or use the docker version to start the relevant services (openmrs, crater).

Area of interest

Bahmni Lite

Bahmni Standard

Area of interest

Bahmni Lite

Bahmni Standard



Yes, fully opensource package!

Yes, fully opensource package!


Target Audience

Comes pre-configured for use by Clinics & Small Hospitals (< 25 beds), but can also be used by Large Facilities, if they so desire. Reference configuration is pre-packaged in clinic-config sub-folder.

Configured and packaged keeping use-cases for Large Hospitals (> 100 beds) in mind.


Software Components

  • EMR: Bahmni EMR UI, OpenMRS

  • Lab: Lightweight Lab Entry app within EMR for lab-report pdf/image upload.

  • Billing: Crater

  • Reporting: Jasper Reports, Metabase and Bahmni Mart

  • EMR: Bahmni EMR UI, OpenMRS

  • IPD: Has Bed Management and OT Scheduling, etc. modules for IPD.

  • Lab: OpenELIS full scale Lab system.

  • ERP/Billing/Inventory: Odoo

  • Radiology: DCM4chee

  • Reporting: Jasper Reports, Metabase and Bahmni Mart


Deployment Options

  • Kubernetes/AWS

  • On Cloud instances like EC2, Digital Ocean, etc (with Docker)

  • On-premise server(with Docker)

  • Local Machine (with Docker)

  • On Cloud Instances like EC2, Digital Ocean, etc using Docker.

  • On CentOS machines using RPM installer (on-premise, or cloud)

  • Local Machine (with Docker)

  • Not yet Kubernetes enabled


Mobile / Tablet Responsive

  • Yes for Clinical use cases in EMR. See screeshots here.

  • Crater is responsive

  • Yes for Clinical use cases in EMR


Cloud Readiness