Bahmni & Avni offline app integration
This PoC is completed successfully. We are now in the process of integrating Avni (called Bahmni Outreach) into the Product offering. For more details see this new tracking page: Bahmni Outreach App for Community Healthcare (Offline ready)
Objective | Integrate offline Avni mobile app/server with Bahmni server, to allow for health workers to capture data offline in remote places, and sync it to Bahmni. |
Due date | Jun 30, 2023 |
Key outcomes |
Status | COMPLETED |
Collaborators | Thoughtworks+Samanvyay (Govt of Karnataka - Pilot) |
Slack | #community |
Code Repo | |
Issue List |
Problem Statement
We want the ability to allow Community Health workers to be able to capture patient data / form data in a non-internet location offline, via a mobile/tablet. The idea is to evaluate opensource AVNI for offline data capture, and then push the data to Bahmni over internet (via mobile internet, or another options when the health worker has internet connectivity). As part of this initiative, we want to showcase how Avni-Bahmni integration will work, so that patient data & services can be provided in an offline manner. Note that, this integration has already been done in Ashwini Gudalur (and this link), but we want to extend it for GoK use-cases.
Reference materials
Avni Domain Model & related documentation: Avni's domain model of field based work
Related content
The Bahmni documentation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)