Bahmni Patient Portal

Bahmni Patient Portal

  1. As part of Code4GovTech initiative, a basic version of Patient Portal was built for Bahmni (by @Nupoor Shetye ).

  2. The patient portal is a patient facing web app (mobile responsive) that allows a patient to login, view Visit history, and clinical documents related to a visit.

  3. Note: This is still in PoC mode, and needs more work to be ready for real-world use.

  4. Frontend: GitHub - Bahmni/patient-portal-frontend: Frontend codebase for Patient Portal, for patients to be able to download/view their visit history and clinical documents.

  5. Backend: GitHub - Bahmni/patient-portal-service: Backend service for Patient Portal that acts as a mediator between Patient Portal Frontend and Bahmni.

  6. Nupoor experience video in Code4GovTech is here: C4GT Dedicated Mentoring Program 2023 | Contributor Testimonial: Nupoor Shetye

Concept Note Document

The high level concept note document on Patient Portal:

Bahmni Patient Portal - Concept Note

JIRA issues on Patient Portal



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The Bahmni documentation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)