Lab Entry app for Bahmni Lite

Lab Entry app for Bahmni Lite

Lab Entry app is only available currently in Bahmni Lite. To try out Lab Lite/Lab Entry please install Bahmni using Docker . For more information on Bahmni Docker, kindly visit this page.

Problem statement:

Bahmni so far has been integrating with OpenELIS as the LMIS. While this has been useful for larger hospitals with a fully integrated in house laboratory, it did not serve the purpose for smaller hospitals or clinics with external lab. As a drawback, the results from these external labs could not sync back to Bahmni.



For clinics and small hospitals

Who require a way to upload lab tests results in Bahmni without having to integrate with a LMIS

The Lab Entry

Is a lightweight alternative to a LMIS

That allows clinicians to upload lab reports against lab orders of a patient

Unlike a full fledged LMIS that requires hand on training

Lab Entry is an easy to use alternative that provides an intuitive experience to the user


The workflows around Lab Entry are documented below


  1. Accessing Lab Entry : Lab Entry would be seen as a separate module/tile inside Bahmni. Only users with Lab Entry privilege would be able to access Lab Entry.


Lab entry module inside Bahmni


The Lab Entry can also be accessed from the patient dashboard. Once the user clicks on the Lab Entry hyperlink, the user would be redirected to the patient’s open orders and reports screen.


2. Patient search screen : Once the user is inside Lab entry module, the next screen is the patient search screen, where the user would be able to search and select the patient. The user can either use the search bar to search for the patient by typing in the Name, Patient ID or mobile number of the patient.

The shortcut method of searching for a patient included displaying the list of patients with an active lab order. (feature to be developed)


3. Open orders and reports screen : Once the user has selected the patient, the user would navigate to the open orders and reports screen. Here, the user would be able to see the open orders for the patient that were ordered by the clinician in Bahmni and also if there are any previously uploaded reports for the patient, those would be visible as well.

In case there are no open orders for the patient, (scenarios where the patient is a walk in patient or the clinician had verbally ordered the patient to get the tests done) the user would still be able to proceed and upload the report for the patient and map them against orders at a later stage.



4. Reports upload side panel : When the user clicks on “Upload report” button, the side panel opens up, where the user can proceed to select the test, add the files, fill in the report details, capture the clinical conclusion and upload the report




5. Report successfully added to the reports table: After the user clicks on the save and upload button, the side panel would close and the newly uploaded report would be seen under the reports table. In case the user had uploaded the report against a particular open order , the order would be closed and not visible under the open orders table. The user can also see a confirmation popup on successful upload.


6. Ability to view the report : Once the report is successfully uploaded, the user can view the report by clicking on the file name. This would enable the user to view the report on the same screen for jpeg files or it would open the report in a new tab in case of PDF files.


7. Audit logs for Lab Entry : Currently, we are maintaining audit logs for the following actions performed by the user

  • When the user logins in to the Lab Entry module

  • When the user is on the lab dashboard of a patient

  • When the user uploads a lab report for the patient

  • When the user views any reports of the patient


Demo & Code

  1. Demo video : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uUfNyDARu8jEO1zWBy1vtvni0-t0i8to/view?usp=sharing

  2. Code on Github: GitHub - Bahmni/bahmni-lab-frontend: Bahmni lab app using OpenMRS 3.x MF app shell

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