Doctor Mobile Adoption

Doctor Mobile Adoption

Why do we need this?

  • Originally developed for screen sizes upper than 9’’

  • Doctors have been using it on their mobile phones

  • Few of the screens were broken on mobile phones making it difficult to use

  • Doctors who are frequently mobile, need better rendered screens/modules on smaller screen sizes.


We have identified key areas(Clinical module) to be fixed, which provides a better experience for doctors and eases the use of Bahmni on mobile.

How bad was it?


Patient Dashboard
Consultation - Observations


Consultation - Diagnosis
Consultation - Medications
Consultation - Orders




Registration - Vitals


What were the challenges?

  • Certain designs like the header, tabs had to be redesigned and re-implemented for mobile

  • Tables used across Consultation did not support wrapping content to next lines for lower screen sizes. 

  • The styling has been very rigid and supported fixed layouts instead of being fluid.

  • Styling is done in a way that makes it hard to modify/maintain -

    • Box sizing was set to content box making it harder to maintain widths

    • CSS is heavily nested making understanding & overriding difficult.

    • Media queries, fonts, colours etc are not standardised. 

    • Layout heavily relies on float and elements are wrongly floated causing disruptions while wrapping content across to the next line

What effort went into it?




How is it now?


Navigation Menu
Recent patients
Prescriptions Modal
Patient Dashboard


Consultation - Orders
Consultation - Observations
Consultation - Medication
Consultation - Diagnosis



Registration - Existing Patient
Registration - Create
Registration - Vitals

2193 LOC added

What’s in the future?






OC added


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The Bahmni documentation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)