Translating Bahmni
If you're a developer, see Dev Notes for Translating Bahmni using Transifex. If you are a translator, read on...
We use the web tool Transifex to translate Bahmni, where we belong to the OpenMRS organization, since this allows us to share translators and translation suggestions with the rest of the OpenMRS community.
Want to use Bahmni in a language you are fluent in, but where it hasn't been translated?
We want your help! You can go to and get started translating. You will need to create a free account, and apply to translate within the OpenMRS organization. You can read more about that here.
Have you been around the Bahmni or OpenMRS communities for a while, and want to lead translation?
We are looking for reviewers, to oversee specific languages! Post a message here if you're interested.
Translation Instructions
Do ask questions or give updates about significant translation work you have done at
endTB Project Translations
Do not translate the "endTB customization for ..." resources unless you are specifically working on the endTB project.
Translating Odoo
Translation for Odoo is managed by Odoo team. Please see these notes:
Odoo Transifex status:
Odoo Translation Instructions:
Related content
The Bahmni documentation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)