Bahmni - Starting off the Bahmni Journey - Dec 2021 (Training)

Bahmni - Starting off the Bahmni Journey - Dec 2021 (Training)


Provide foundational knowledge on Bahmni for Implementers, with the aim of making them comfortable with Bahmni & then be able to use the available community resources to self-navigate the Bahmni ecosystem. This training was conduced virtually in Dec 2021.


  1. Bahmni (and Thoughtworks) Overview
  2. Features of Bahmni
  3. Bahmni Demo (of two different deployments)
  4. Bahmni Architecture 
  5. Bahmni Installation options & Deployment considerations
  6. Bahmni & OpenMRS Data Model
  7. Bahmni UI Configuration 101
  8. Reports, Metabase & Bahmni Mart


Akhil MalhotraGurpreet LuthraHimabindu Thungathurty and Buvaneswari Arun

Training Videos

1Day 1 Bahmni Overview & Demo2h:43mVideo1
2Day 1 Bahmni Architecture & Navigating Bahmni File System1h:30mVideo2
3Day 1 Installing Bahmni and Deployment Options1h:30mVideo3
4Day 2 Bahmni & OpenMRS Data Model. And Bahmni Configuration 1012h: 22mVideo4
5Day 3Bahmni Reports (Out of the Box, SQL). Metabase, and Bahmni Mart2h: 09mVideo5

Please also see the latest demo of Bahmni Lite v1.0 (released in June2023) on YouTube.

An Introduction to Digital Health and Opensource

Koita Foundation has launched a free online course called: “Digital Health Opensource” to provide a beginner overview of Digital Health concepts and tools including Bahmni, eSushrut, Intelehealth, etc. See the course with video/ppt/here: https://www.koitafoundation.org/DHFC/Resources. It covers a lot of topics like EMR, HIMS, ABDM, Interoperability, Analytics, AI/ML in Digital Health, etc.


  Bahmni Overview & Architecture (by Thoughtworks):


  OpenMRS Data Model


The Bahmni documentation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)