Bahmni Performance Test Scenarios

Bahmni Performance Test Scenarios

New Patient - Registration - Start OPD Visit

User: FrontDesk / Receptionist

  1. Get a FrontDesk user from the Bahmni OpenMRS user database

  2. Log into Bahmni

  3. Using data feeder, ‘patient_profile.json’ is accessed and a new patient is created with the given data

  4. Start the OPD visit for the newly created patient

Existing Patient - Patient Search - Start OPD Visit

User: FrontDesk / Receptionist

  1. Get a FrontDesk user from the Bahmni OpenMRS user database

  2. Log into Bahmni

  3. Using data feeder, ‘patient.csv’ is accessed and an existing patient is searched based on patient ID or patient Name

  4. Start the OPD visit for the searched patient


Upload Patient Document

User: FrontDesk / Receptionist

  1. Get a FrontDesk user from the Bahmni OpenMRS user database

  2. Log into Bahmni

  3. Get the active patients and select an active patient to upload the document

  4. Upload ‘patient document image.json’ as the patient document


Doctor Consultation and Observations Flow

User: Doctor

  1. Get a Doctor user from the Bahmni OpenMRS user database

  2. Log into Bahmni

  3. Get the active patients and select an active patient for consultation

  4. Add patient ‘History and Examination’ details

  5. Add patient Vitals

  6. Add a lab order for the patient

  7. Add a drug order for the patient

  8. Close the current visit for the patient

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