Bahmni, DHIS2 and HIE rollout in the Kingdom of Lesotho (External Report)

Bahmni, DHIS2 and HIE rollout in the Kingdom of Lesotho (External Report)

ICAP Report

Title: Strengthening Strategic Information Activities in the Kingdom of Lesotho (Key Findings Report) - PEPFAR, ICAP.

Goal: Enhance ability of national institutions to plan and coordinate HMIS and surveillance activities.

Link: https://icap.columbia.edu/wp-content/uploads/54168_Lesotho-SI-Glossy-Report_V3.pdf

Brief: This report talks about the adoption and rollout of DHIS2, eRegister (built on Bahmni) and HIE (built on OpenHIM, OpenEMPI and OpenSHR) across 170+ facilities in the Kingdom of Lesotho.

Developing and implementing client-level electronic medical record (EMR) systems to enhance the national HMIS Working closely with CDC Lesotho, ICAP supported the MOH to develop a client-level EMR on the Bahmni platform. By implementing the EMR, or commonly known in country as the “eReg- ister,” MOH aimed to achieve three critical objectives: 1) to collect and use high quality client level data for improved care outcomes; 2) to uniquely identify and track patients through the 95-95-95 HIV care cascade within and across facilities for care continuity; and 3) to automate facility-level routine and key operational reports to support data use and evidence-based programming.

After supporting core team members to attend advanced Bahmni development training in South Africa, ICAP supported MOH to gather technical and programmatic materials for a phased devel- opment and rollout. ICAP supported the installation and development of the HIV care and treatment module and pilot implementation of eRegister at six sites. Following successful piloting, ICAP supported MOH to conduct a nationwide phased rollout in 178 health facilities.

Other Links:

  1. eRegister Documentation (Lesotho): https://eregister.github.io/docs/ereg/eRegister-092-Release-Notes/
  2. eRegister Github page: https://github.com/eRegister/
  3. eRegister project on Digital Health Atlas page: https://digitalhealthatlas.org/en/-/projects/90/published

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