Fair & Equitable Healthcare: Community-led tapestry of interoperable FOSS products (OASIS Summit 2023)

Presentation Details

Speaker: Akhil Malhotra (SME) and Angshuman Sarkar (Architect)

Abstract:Ā  In this talk, at the OASIS summit 2023 (Bangalore), Bahmni core team spoke about the journey of Bahmni covering lessons on: Community Development, interop, sustainability, building for context appropriateness, being close to the customers, building a package by integrating mature FOSS products, etc.

Venue: OASIS Sumit 2023, Bangalore, on 14-Sep-2023.



  1. Conference Talk Slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GWuzxhElzHhJE9L8NEbPWcwagoTPmzEmlzYaUywfDn0/edit?usp=sharing
  2. TV Bahmni Brief Intro Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vI9DcE76mcNO8xYxFikxIi4C21ylZEmUtVJw0siGeF8/edit?usp=sharing


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