Release Checklist

Release Checklist

This page is work in progress. We will update it  soon

Once we have decided that we have a release candidate from the Go pipeline, we need to ensure that the following things are taken care of. The responsibilities of the following items lies with multiple team members.
  1. Once the release build is finalized, run the pipeline to publish the artifacts to bintray (Release_To_Public_<branch name> pipeline in CI).
  2. Connect artifacts currently needs to be manually copied..Once the ci pipeline is setup to copy the artifacts, this task is not needed.
  3. Complete release notes. Release notes should use hyperlinks as much as possible to the implementers and features guide.  Also All bahmni releases page in wiki needs to be updated with details.
  4. Every release is likely to complete some items in the roadmap. Such item should start showing up in the features list. Hence update features pages accordingly - detailing out the items being moved.
  5. Check every WIKI page tagged release-verifyhttps://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/label/BAH/release-verify to see if something on that page needs to be updated.
  6. Announce the release on #community, #tw-private in slack.
  7. Publish the updated Bahmni Developer VM to Atlas after testing. [Bindu]
  8. Deploy to the demo environment. Ensure that demo environment is working after the deployment. [Bindu]

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