OpenMRS meta data management
OpenMRS meta data management
Type | Current Mechanism | Desired Mechanism |
Beds | SQL | OpenMRS Admin UI |
Care Setting | ? | - |
Clinical content | Ruby, CSV | . Meta Data Sharing (MDS) |
Reference Terms ICD Reference terms ICD drug references | CSV file imported by implementer | CSV file imported by implementer Bahmni to package ICD csv file in default_config |
Concept Classes | Using defaults from OpenMRS New classes added by Bahmni Legacy UI | Using defaults from OpenMRS |
Providers Providers, Users Their roles and privileges | Legacy UI | OpenMRS Admin UI |
Services Encounter Types Location (Their mapping) | . In Patient ET provided by EMR API . Bahmni provides (Registration, Radiology, Investigation, LAB_RESULT, Patient Document, VALIDATION_NOTES) . Location managed via Legacy UI . Mapping created via SQL by implementer | . In Patient ET provided by EMR API . Bahmni provides (Registration, Radiology, LAB_RESULT, Patient Document) . Implementer creates ET, Locations, mapping via OpenMRS Admin UI |
Patient Patient identifier Patient attributes Patient address | OpenMRS Admin UI | |
Program . Program . Observation Template, Program mapping, Patient attributes, Drug order templates | Legacy UI | OpenMRS Admin UI |
Scheduled Jobs | Legacy UI | Legacy UI |
Visit Visit Type Visit Attributes New visit creation on admission | Legacy UI | OpenMRS Admin UI |