Guide to building React components in Bahmniapps

Guide to building React components in Bahmniapps

This is an experimental feature, currently available on the branch Bahmni-IPD-master of openmrs-module-bahmniapps. Some details may change over time, but the core strategy would remain the same

This wiki offers a comprehensive guide on creating React components within the openmrs-module-bahmniapps, considering that AngularJS has reached the end of its support lifecycle. We'll also delve into how we accomplished this in the clinical module and explore possibilities for extending these techniques to other modules within Bahmni.

Introduction to Next-UI

This is the designated location for constructing new React components intended for rendering within the Bahmni ecosystem. Within the micro-frontends folder in bahmniapps, you will find the next-ui sub-folder, which houses the newly developed React components currently in use within the clinical dashboard of Bahmni.

Here is a sneak peek into the folder structure of next-ui:-

| |--- micro-frontends | |