Upgrade Bahmni to Odoo (v16)
This is an Active initiative of Bahmni team, to upgrade the ERP component packaged with Bahmni from Odoo (v10) to Odoo (v16).
Please watch this JIRA board (Odoo-upgrade) to get a sense of the roadmap items, and to participate or provide feedback.
Bahmni had upgraded from OpenERP to Odoo-v10 in v0.92. Now, as part of this initiative, we wish to migrate to Odoo-v16, so that Bahmni is shipped with a modern, opensource, supported & secure ERP package. Please see details of Odoo versions on this page: https://www.odoo.com/page/release-notes#table_of_content_heading_1648216233858_666 and LTS (Long term Support guideliens by Odoo) here: https://www.odoo.com/page/odoo-long-term-support
This initiative is expected to be completed by Mar 1, 2024 . We welcome the community to try and provide feedback to the team working on this initiative. You can see a demo of this on the Bahmni Standard Demo (odoo-v16 server) here Bahmni Lite Environments.
Bahmni Odoo-v16 Scope
Atomfeed based sync of the following from Bahmni → Odoo
Patient → Customer
Drugs → Products
Lab Tests/Panels → Services
Procedures → Services
Drug/Lab/Procedure Orders → Quotations
The atom feed sync will shift from original XML/RPC to the new JSONRPC/REST with Odoo-v16. A toggle will be added which controls whether the sync service is syncing using XML, or using the new JSON based mechanism. This will allow the same sync code to run in two modes (depending on what the target system is: XML for Odoo-v10, and JSON for Odoo-v16 onwards). Eventually the XML based sync will be deprecated.
Provide ability to perform automated master data migration from Odoo v10-> Odoo v16 for following entities: Customer, Supplier, Product, Product Category, UoM, UoM Category, using a custom module
Dockerize Odoo-v16, and package it as part of Bahmni Standard distribution.
Ensure all features available in Bahmni-Odoov10 are carried over into Odoo-v16.
Useful Reference Links
Odoo v16 Bahmni REST API Postman Collection: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/20182017/2s9YkkdhMZ
Odoo v16 overview Zoom recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KbeuNT36tCZwVJJYKnuuqsstXxLoI_yY/view?usp=sharing
Github Repositories
Odoo Module (odoo-v16): https://github.com/Bahmni/bahmni-odoo-modules
AtomFeed Sync Service: https://github.com/Bahmni/openerp-atomfeed-service
Docker Compose Setup: https://github.com/Bahmni/bahmni-docker/tree/master/bahmni-standard
Odoo-v16 Shortcuts:
Jira View of Issues with Label odoo-upgrade
Board Link: https://bahmni.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/BAH/boards/46
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