OpenMRS meta data management

OpenMRS meta data management

TypeCurrent MechanismDesired Mechanism
BedsSQLOpenMRS Admin UI
Care Setting?-

Clinical content
. Obs Concepts, Drugs, Procedures, Lab Concepts,
Diagnoses, Chief Complaints
. Observation templates
. Order templates 

Ruby, CSV
Legacy UI
Reference Data
(not including pre-packaged concept sets provided
via liquibase by Bahmni e.g. All Observation Templates)

. Meta Data Sharing (MDS)
. OpenMRS
Admin UI and CSV file import via OpenMRS Admin UI
if not managed by MDS 
(Price managed via OpenERP)

Reference Terms
ICD Reference terms
ICD drug references 
CSV file imported by implementerCSV file imported by implementer
Bahmni to package ICD csv file in default_config
Concept ClassesUsing defaults from OpenMRS
New classes added by Bahmni
Legacy UI

Using defaults from OpenMRS
Delete classes added by Bahmni
Legacy UI 

Providers, Users
Their roles and privileges
Legacy UIOpenMRS Admin UI 
Encounter Types
(Their mapping) 
. In Patient ET provided by EMR API
. Bahmni provides (Registration, Radiology, Investigation,
. Location managed via Legacy UI
. Mapping created via SQL by implementer
. In Patient ET provided by EMR API
. Bahmni provides (Registration, Radiology,
LAB_RESULT, Patient Document)
. Implementer creates ET, Locations, mapping
via OpenMRS Admin UI
Patient identifier
Patient attributes
Patient address 
 OpenMRS Admin UI
. Program
. Observation Template, Program mapping,
Patient attributes, Drug order templates
Legacy UI

OpenMRS Admin UI

Scheduled JobsLegacy UILegacy UI
Visit Type
Visit Attributes
New visit creation on admission 
Legacy UIOpenMRS Admin UI

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