What To Work On

What To Work On

Want to know what's being worked on, or what you can work on? We use JIRA as an issue tracker. See below.

Don't know what to work on?

Unfortunately we do not typically have a significant backlog of work that is already analyzed and ready-for-work. If you have a Business Analyst or Subject Matter Expert skillset, then we'd love for you to help take items on our backlog, analyze them, and propose a design and solution. Please read this document: Contributing to Bahmni

As a developer

Look at label as Volunteer issues:


key summary type assignee reporter priority status created

If you don't find anything suitable there, look in the backlog for technical issues, propose a solution, and pick those up for work. See this board.

You'd want to begin a conversation about your issue or solution on the Discussion Forum.

If you need some guidance to find something suitable to work on, introduce yourself on the discussion forum and share your skillset and interests so that someone can point you to relevant work.

As a QA

Look at our Ready For QA tickets

key summary type assignee reporter priority status created

You'll need to reach out to the development team on Slack or the Discussion Forum to see which environments you can perform QA on.

As a newcomer

Look at cards tagged as 'newbie'. 

key summary type assignee reporter priority status created

Already planning a project?

If you or your organization is already planning a specific project (or has started it already) and you want it to be incorporated into the core Bahmni product, then one of your first steps should be to describe your plan on the Discussion Forums, and ask the community to comment on how this should fit in the core product. Note that no features will be added to Bahmni without going through a Public Design Process.

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The Bahmni documentation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)