Installing Bahmni on CentOS - endTB specific
Step 1: Setup fresh CentOS v6.x
For Production purposes, CentOS 6.x 64bit is the recommended & tested platform for running Bahmni server. Create a fresh CentOS V6.x box. Please refer System Requirements for additional details.
For other purposes, an alternative can be a CentOS VM setup using vagrant. Attaching the sample Vagrantfile that can be used to setup a fresh VM from the base CentOS box published here.
Step 2 : Download and setup the bahmni installer
sudo su yum install<major_verion>-<minor_version>.noarch.rpm eg. yum install
Step 3 : Copy app config and base database dump
** This step is optional. If not specified, default configuration with sample demo data is installed.
copy mysql dump to /etc/bahmni-installer/deployment-artifacts. The dump file should be named 'mysql_dump.sql'.
copy app config folder to /etc/bahmni-installer/deployment-artifacts. The folder name should match <implementation_name>_config
Step 4 : Setup deployment Configuration
- Setup Ansible Inventory file. If you do not specify the inventory file, it defaults to local setup with all the bahmni components (mrs, elis, erp, pacs) installed as part of setup.
Any custom changes to inventory file can be made by creating new inventory file at /etc/bahmni-installer/<inventory_file_name>. Use the below provided sample inventory file as reference.Local setup
To install only specific components, please add the host entry only in respective groups.
For example, to install only bahmni-emr and bahmni-reports components, host entry should be present only in bahmni-emr and bahmni-reports group i.e. inventory file should be like below:local setup inventory filelocalhost ansible_connection=local [bahmni-emr-db-slave] [bahmni-emr-db] localhost [bahmni-emr] localhost [bahmni-erp-db] [bahmni-erp-db-slave] [bahmni-erp] [bahmni-lab-db] [bahmni-lab-db-slave] [bahmni-lab] [bahmni-reports] localhost [bahmni-pacs] [dcm4chee] [bahmni-event-log-service] [local:children] bahmni-emr bahmni-emr-db bahmni-emr-db-slave bahmni-lab bahmni-lab-db bahmni-lab-db-slave bahmni-erp bahmni-erp-db bahmni-erp-db-slave bahmni-reports bahmni-pacs dcm4chee bahmni-event-log-service
- Remote setup
- Ensure ssh access to remote server from the provisioning machine i.e. we should have ssh'ed into the machines atleast once using the ansible_ssh_user specified in inventory file to create known_hosts entry (since ansible works out of ssh).
- Ensure the inventory does not use localhost/ The exact IP address should be specified.
An inventory file with remote setup should look something like this ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_pass=vagrant ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_pass=vagrant [bahmni-emr] passive=yes [bahmni-emr-db] [bahmni-emr-db-slave] [bahmni-erp] [bahmni-erp-db] [bahmni-erp-db-slave] [bahmni-lab] [bahmni-lab-db] [bahmni-lab-db-slave] [bahmni-reports] passive=yes [pacs-integration] [pacs-integration-db] [pacs-integration-db-slave] [dcm4chee] [bahmni-event-log-service] [dev:children] bahmni-emr bahmni-emr-db bahmni-emr-db-slave bahmni-lab bahmni-lab-db bahmni-lab-db-slave bahmni-erp bahmni-erp-db bahmni-erp-db-slave bahmni-reports pacs-integration pacs-integration-db pacs-integration-db-slave dcm4chee bahmni-event-log-service
- Verify the default configuration properties in /opt/bahmni-installer/bahmni-playbooks/group_vars/local
- create override file for the properties if required at /etc/bahmni-installer/setup.yml if required.
- 'implementation_name' should be specified in setup.yml if the app config is provided as described in Step 3.
sample setup.ymlimplementation_name: endtb
Step 5 : Trigger Installation
There is a command line tool that installs all the packages mentioned in the inventory file and starts respective services.
bahmni install <inventory_file>
By default, this picks up the local inventory file.
Step 6 : Verify Installation
Access the emr app at https://<ip_address>/home
Vagrant file
Setup fail over box
Step 1: Configuration
1. Add passive host to [bahmni-emr] and [bahmni-reports] group in the inventory file
2. Tag passive host with 'passive=yes'
[bahmni-emr] passive=yes [bahmni-reports] passive=yes
Note: To switch passive to active, switch the tag and run step 2
Step 2: Trigger Installation
bahmni install <inventory_file_name>
Setup Replication
Step 1: Configuration
1. Add slave host to [bahmni-emr-db-slave] group in the inventory file. To setup replication separate command needs to be triggered for the respective mysql database or postgres database.
[bahmni-emr-db] [bahmni-emr-db-slave]
Step 2: Trigger Installation
bahmni setup-mysql-replication <inventory_file_name> OR bahmni setup-postgres-replication <inventory_file_name>
Switch slave to master
Step 1: Configuration
1. Move slave host from [bahmni-emr-db-slave] group to [bahmni-emr-db] group in the inventory file
Step 2: Trigger Installation
bahmni setup-replication <inventory_file_name> bahmni install <inventory_file_name>
Update Config File
Step 1: Configuration
1. Update the inventory file (which is present in /etc/bahmni-installer) and trigger update-config
Step 2: Trigger update-config
bahmni update-config <inventory_file_name>
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