OpenELIS Configurations (docker)
Bahmni/openelis image is based on OpenELIS which acts as Lab Information Management system. Atomfeed sync has been enabled to sync data from and to Bahmni EMR. The image is built and published using Github Actions from OpenELIS repository.
Environment Configurations:
Variable Name | Description |
OPENELIS_IMAGE_TAG | This value tells which image version to be used for OpenElis Application. List of tags can be found at bahmni/openelis - Tags . |
OPENELIS_DB_IMAGE_NAME | This value tells which image to be used for OpenElis Database. There are two variants available. |
OPENELIS_DB_DUMP_PATH | When you want to restore an existing database of OpenElis from a dump file you can set the folder path to your dump file with this variable. This is a one time setup and the restore happens only when the database is clean and fresh. |
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